It's been a while since I've written here last. Not because I was lacking material, simply because there was no time. For the first time since Theodor has been born, I've had a couple of weeks where I was really tired. I was finally following the piece of advice about sleeping when the baby is sleeping. I've never said no to taking a nap in the afternoon, but these past few weeks I've napped 3-4 times a day. Barely having the energy to do anything else.
A lot has changed with the little one. He's been eating baby food for the past 2 months and last Monday was the last time he drank breast milk. The biggest change, though, took place when we finally got his furniture last Friday. His bed and closet. Beginning of the week that followed I started what I thought would be the "training to sleep on his own". I was proved wrong by my little boy who, from the very beginning, acted as though he's never slept anywhere else in his life. I think the training is something we the parents needed more than he did. I cannot explain the feeling of going to sleep in a big, empty and cold bed - despite my husband being there next to me. It felt like both Stefan and I were on a Theodor detox cure...
But I do confess that I still take him into our bed for a nap here and there...