Friday, November 19, 2010

cry, cry, cry and.... surprise!!

Theodor has been very cranky lately testing my and Stefan's patience to the limit. He doesn't seem to be in any pain, he seems to just want to be with us all the time - meaning in our arms. He had a period like this a couple of weeks ago. Like that one I hope this one also will go over. But this morning it finally happened. Missing all logic actually. I had managed to put Theo in the babysitter  and I was eating my breakfast while he was staring at me intensively. He was covered in his fleece blanket because the room felt a bit chilly. When I finished breakfast I took away the cover and asked him: "What do you say now, buddy? Shall we go play a little?" Then it came: a wide all gums grin  :-D I cannot describe the feeling of happiness that exploded inside my chest. Finally my baby smiled at me. He may actually like me a little hehehe So strange how babies function, I am still amazed...