Saturday, December 11, 2010


That is how I have been feeling the whole week - this also explains my absence here on the blog. Theodor has been very demanding, crying a lot, not wanting to sleep and basically wanting to be rocked all the time. And we are not talking about the basic rocking, no. It has to be in an upright position, so he can look over the shoulder and one has to pace around the house. The moment one stops and rocks him without moving from the spot, the crying begins. I do understand that he is going through his next developmental milestone and that he needs to feel safe, reassured and intimate with his parents. But it doesn't get through my head, how all this pacing that is killing my back and making my arms and shoulders burn like they are on fire - how is all this supposed to give him all that? Needless to say, that with my hot Romanian temper he's been driving me bananas. Rescue came after the longest week in my life, in that Stefan started his winter vacation which is going to last a month. Already today I feel an improvement in my lifestyle: I was able to read 4 pages in my book and that in the middle of the day, not after 11 pm.

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